Birthday Reading

Curious about your yearly progress and forecast?


Solar Return Analysis

Every year we are given different sceneries along our journey where we will meet people who could change or distract us with their driving force, communication, values, and immaturity. A Solar Return reading can give you perspectives and predictions on your yearly progress and development too.

Recommended to get the reading within 3 months before your actual birthday.

Solar Return Reading - Yearly Forecast

Big Cycles Analysis

Understanding your life cycles can
help you surf the transition smoothly

Saturn Return (Growing Pain and Development).

Our first cycle transition is at the age of 29-30. This is where we have a Saturn Return. You may feel some pain, changes in your career, location, environment, and more during the transition in the Saturn Return. This cycle brings you a crucial development for your growth moving forward. Getting a Saturn Return Reading can help you navigate your process gracefully and observe the developments that Saturn has to offer.

Highly recommended for everyone, especially the 6th line Profile.

Saturn Return Reading

Uranus Opposition (Midlife Cycle)

At the age of 40-50, we are experiencing a midlife crisis. This is the cycle where Uranus plays a major role in shaking your life, removing everything that no longer benefits you and replacing it with something better. The cycle simply gets you ready for your purpose at age 50. The crisis in your midlife cycle can side-track you away from your truth. A Uranus Opposition reading helps to give you perspectives, forecast and predictions about your Midlife Cycle so you can stay grounded and enjoy the changes of sceneries
with less resistance.

Highly recommended for everyone at age 40 to 50.

Uranus Opposition Reading - Midlife Cycle

Kiron Return (Flowering of Your Purpose)

This is the cycle that gives you a true sense of purpose for being on this Earth. Understanding your Kiron Return can help you see the bigger picture of how you play your role in a specific environment. The reading also offers perspectives on your potential and challenges that might occur in your Kiron Return.

Highly recommended for everyone at age 50 and above.
Recommended to pair this reading with an Incarnation Cross Analysis (available soon).

2nd Saturn Return

If you happen to be 58 years old and above and are experiencing pain and difficulties in life,
2nd Saturn Return might offer you a perspective on how to navigate your challenges gracefully and with the hope that you can see the lights and solutions to help you in this transition.

Recommended to pair this reading with an Incarnation Cross Analysis and Kiron Return.
Package reading available.

Second Saturn Return Reading


Charges are in US dollars. Our office will contact you within 24 hours of working days to arrange a time and date for the session you purchased.

For our Malaysian customers, please email our office before you make any purchase.

Human Design Malaysia also offers a package price if you get 2 or more readings.
Email us for more information.